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Hi Members
I just wanted to remind you all that memberships are due to be paid by Sunday, 30th September. If payment has not been received by Monday, 1st October (unless otherwise organised through Molly our Treasurer) then you will be deemed a visitor and will need to pay the standard visitor fee of $10.00 until this is paid.
Also note that anybody who has not paid and has put their name down to play pennants you will not be able to play until membership has been paid.
If you have any questions or issues regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact Molly, myself or your Members’ Rep Jeff Yeung. Our Juniors can speak with Mike Roberts if preferred.
WTC Club Captain
Hi All
This is just a friendly reminder that our Saturday Mixed Doubles Final will now be held at Ocean Ridge Tennis Club as a combined final between Divison 1 and 2. Division 1 teams are Ocean Ridge v Alexander Park 2 and Division 2 teams are Wanneroo v Wembley Downs. Play will be from 1PM this coming Saturday, 15th September. I understand that this is a usual Social tennis day however it would be awesome to have some of our members drop down and support them. I reckon it will be a great day of tennis.
Also, next Wednesday, 19th September our Wednesday night Men’s team will be playing their Finals match at North Shore Country Club as a combined final between Division 1 and 2. I am not sure at this stage who will be playing from Division 1 but our Division 2 teams are Wanneroo v Wembly Downs. Again I understand this is a Social tennis night but it would be great if there were a few people there to support them. Play will be from 7PM.
On a slightly different note I intend to support both teams by attending both Saturday and Wednesday night so it would be nice to get a volunteer to take responsibility of opening and locking up the Clubrooms on Saturday and/or Wednesday night? If you wish to offer your services, please let me know.
Lastly, I would like to congratulate both teams for making it to the finals and wish you all the best of luck.
WTC Cub Captain