Congratulations to WTC Boys Under 16 Pennants Team!
Hi Members
I just give a shout out to our Boys Under 16’s pennant team for successfully winning their Final on Sunday, 24th March. Congratulations to you all! You have not only done your families proud but you have done our Club proud too. I was fortunate enough to be there and witness some of your matches, and quite honestly I am well impressed at how well you all handled yourselves out there. You are an inspiration all our up and coming juniors.
I would like to thank all the parents, that week in and week out, support these kids by driving them to all their pennant matches. I saw first-hand how much you guys do, and it is awesome to see. I would also like to thank Mike Roberts for helping these kids develop into great tennis players!
Thank you to everyone involved!

Debbie Downes
Club Captain